Group View of Canyon Spirit Women Wellness Program

Online Programs

Women’s Wellness with Herbs


This certificate course is for women wanting to know more about how to take care of their own bodies, family care takers in the home and community, and men and women practitioners alike.

This dynamic and in-depth course includes all excerpt courses: Goddess Rhythms Herbal Support for Women’s Moontime, Botanical Support for Motherhood, Menopause & The Wise Elder Woman, Herbal Abortifacients Protocol…. and much more!

We invite you to begin your journey of self-care.

$555 for the online course

Goddess Rhythms: Herbal Support for Women’s Moontime


This course is for the everyday woman, midwife and trained herbalist alike. The body is self healing if given the chance. Learn how to support the body to heal hormonal imbalances and menstrual irregularities. The holistic approach is to strengthen the body by realigning and reinforcing it with herbs, diet and body/mind/spirt connections. The program includes understanding phytoestrogens, physiology and hormones, with details in gynecological patterns and menses cycle scenarios. The focus are the herbs that support hormonal balancing with a section on amenorrhea or lack of a menses cycle, menorrhagia or excess bleeding and dysmenorrhea causing ‘cramps from hell’. Ending the program is a section on PMS and how to treat all these different aspects of what should be a great time in a woman’s life.

This is course is included in the Women’s Wellness Online Program.

$175 for the online course

Hormonal Imbalances & Menstrual Irregularities

This course is for the lay person, midwife and trained herbalist alike. The body is self healing if given the chance. The holistic approach is to strengthen the body by realigning and reinforcing it with herbs, diet and body/mind/spirt connections. The program includes understanding phytoestrogens, physiology and hormones, with details in gynecological patterns and menses cycle scenarios. The focus are the herbs that support hormonal balancing with a section on amenorrhea or lack of a menses cycle, menorrhagia or excess bleeding and dysmenorrhea causing ‘cramps from hell’. Ending the program is a section on PMS and how to treat all these different aspects of what should be a great time in a woman’s life.

$175 for the online course

Botanical Support for Motherhood

Feather has compiled her herbal wisdom to aid women throughout the journey of motherhood. This course is for women wanting to know more about how to take care of their bodies to boost fertility to get pregnant, herbs for each part of pregnancy and information for holistic care for infants and toddlers. This program can also be utilized by practitioners working with women and children. Learn the traditions passed down through the generations that have helped mothers and their children thrive.

This is course is included in the Women’s Wellness Online Program.

$145 for the online course

Menopause & The Wise Elder Woman

All women will eventually reach this step up in their life, a time of transformation and expanding energy. Embracing a more spacious view of being in the world. This course will offer botanical and nutritional support through the journey.

This is course is included in the Women’s Wellness Online Program.

$90 for the online course

Menopause & The Wise Elder Woman

All women will eventually reach this step up in their life, a time of transformation and expanding energy. Embracing a more spacious view of being in the world. This course will offer botanical and nutritional support through the journey.

This is course is included in the Women’s Wellness Online Program.

$90 for the online course

Herbal Abortifacients Protocol

This is for the women that may be pregnant and are seeking natural means to restoring their cycle. This program can also be utilized by practitioners working with women. This is a women’s class on the herstory of herbal abortifacients and how women through the ages have maintained their sovereignty over their own bodies.

This is course is included in the Women’s Wellness Online Program.

$55 for the online course

Get Your Feet Wet Series: Prickly Pear Harvest To Table

This series of 25-35 minute videos have unique topics not found everywhere. Easy home grown lessons on how to use essential oils for bug bites, how to prepare immune building soups and broths, smoothies for cardiovascular strength and sharing the wisdom of the elders and plant conservation. Join us along this series or just choose one to get you going.

$11 for the online course

Get Your Feet Wet Series: Prickly Pear Harvest To Table

This series of 25-35 minute videos have unique topics not found everywhere. Easy home grown lessons on how to use essential oils for bug bites, how to prepare immune building soups and broths, smoothies for cardiovascular strength and sharing the wisdom of the elders and plant conservation. Join us along this series or just choose one to get you going.

$11 for the online course

Get Your Feet Wet Series: Herbal Musings~ Stories Of The Plants

This series of 25-35 minute videos have unique topics not found everywhere. Easy home grown lessons on how to use essential oils for bug bites, how to prepare immune building soups and broths, smoothies for cardiovascular strength and sharing the wisdom of the elders and plant conservation. Join us along this series or just choose one to get you going.

$11 for the online course

Get Your Feet Wet Series: Mosquitoes & Other Things That Bug You

This series of 25-35 minute videos have unique topics not found everywhere. Easy home grown lessons on how to use essential oils for bug bites, how to prepare immune building soups and broths, smoothies for cardiovascular strength and sharing the wisdom of the elders and plant conservation. Join us along this series or just choose one to get you going.

$11 for the online course

Get Your Feet Wet Series: Mosquitoes & Other Things That Bug You

This series of 25-35 minute videos have unique topics not found everywhere. Easy home grown lessons on how to use essential oils for bug bites, how to prepare immune building soups and broths, smoothies for cardiovascular strength and sharing the wisdom of the elders and plant conservation. Join us along this series or just choose one to get you going.

$11 for the online course

“I’ve been studying herbal medicine since the late 70’s and seeing clients for as many years. Offering herbal consultations was never my main focus, although folks in need always found me and I was grateful for the opportunities to serve. Being more of an outdoor herbalist, I love teaching about the wild plants in wild places. Still all I have learned, either through herbal mentors and women healers over the years or in my own practice finding what works for each individual, has lead me to create reasonable and gut intuitive guidelines. This is what I want to share with anyone who feels drawn to learning more.“

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