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We have so many blessings in our lives, things we take for granted or aren’t even aware of. Plant medicine is abundant, growing in ancient forests to the cracks in the sidewalk. If we only knew their healing potential!

Prickly Pear: Harvest To Table

We start our journey hand harvesting the mature prickly pear fruits out in the high desert of northern Arizona, processing them and pressing juice for your morning smoothie. Chocked full of nutrients, bioflavonoids and vitamin C, this desert cactus can strengthen your cardiovascular system and keep you cooled in hot weather.

Get Your Feet Wet Series

This series of 25-35 minute videos have unique topics not found everywhere. Easy home grown lessons on how to use essential oils for bug bites, how to prepare immune building soups and broths, smoothies for cardiovascular strength and sharing the wisdom of the elders and plant conservation. Join us along this series or just choose one to get you going.